  • Something for Silent Hill 1

    Something for Silent Hill 1

    8 1.0 2025-02-09

This application dedicated to the game Silent Hill Part 1.

This application dedicated to the game Silent Hill Part 1.

In this application, the user acquainted with:

= Storyline

= Detail learns all the game's characters and their intentions.

= Detail learns all the monsters the game and their intentions.

= Detail learns all bosses of the game and their intentions.

= Will see all the possible endings game

= Will know conditions of passage to get the desired ending

= User submitted videos of all endings

= Given all the maps of all locations

= You are given a list of music from the game

= You can keep yourself out of the game in the wallpaper album

= In this application, there is a description of 2 films silent hill with the opportunity to learn more about them

= Brief acquaintance with the following parts of the game Silent Hill

= You can test your nerves, if not afraid! be careful!

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